NUMBER 155/PMK.04/2008




that in the framework of implementation of the provisions of Article 28 of Law No. 10/1995, concerning Customs as amended by Law No. 17/2006, it is necessary to stipulated Regulation of the Minister of Finance concerning Customs Notification.

In view of:


To stipulate:


Article 1

In this Regulation of the Minister of Finance:

1. Customs Law is Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs as amended by Law No. 17/2006.

2. Customs Obligation is all activities in customs matter that must be complied with the provisions in the Customs Law.

3. Customs Notification is statement issued by any person in the context of complying with customs obligation.

4. Electronic Data are information or series of information prepared and/or compiled for special use received, recorded, transmitted, stored, processed, retrieved, or produced electronically using computer or electronic data processes device, optical device or other means of the same type.

5. Customs Electronic Data Exchange hereinafter called as Customs PDE is transmittal process of customs document in the form of electronic data exchange through inter-application and inter integrated organization communication using data communication system device.

6. Electronic Information is one or group of electronic data, including but not limited to voice, picture, map, design, photo; electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, cable, telex, telecopy or the type thereof, letter, signal, figure, access code, symbol, or perforation that has been processed so as to have meaning or understandable by the person capable to understand it.

7. Electronic Approval or Digital Signature is Electronic Information affixed, associated to or related to other Electronic Information affixed thereto used for verification and authentication transmitted by the notification sender or his attorney to show the identity and status of the person concerned.

8. Customs Notification Identification is data that constitutes identification of Customs Notification.

9. Customs Area is territory of the Republic of Indonesia covering the land, waters and the air space over them and certain places within the Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelf wherein the Customs Law prevails.

10. Person is individual person or legal entity.

11. Customs Office is office within the Directorate General of Customs arm Excise where customs obligations are complied with in accordance with the provision of the Customs Law.

Article 2

(1) Customs Obligation shall be complied with at Customs Office or other place functioning as Customs Office using Customs Notification.

(2) Customs Notification may be submitted in writing on a form or in the form of Electronic Data.

(3) The Customs Notification as intended in paragraph (2) shall be submitted by:

Article 3

(1) The declarer person shall be responsible for the contents of the Customs Notification.

(2) The Customs Notification as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1) shall be declared lawful and binding after obtaining registration number and date from the Customs Office or other place functioning as Customs Office.

Article 4

The Customs Notification as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1), shall cover:

Article 5

(1) Customs Notification in the context of transportation as intended in Article 4 la, shall at least contain element of the following data:

(2) Customs Notification in the context of import of goods as intended in Article 4 b, shall at least contain elements of the following data:

(3) Customs Notification in the context of export of goods as intended in Article 4 c, shall at least contain elements of the following data:

(4) Customs Notification in the context of import of goods from other place into customs area existing under the supervision of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise as intended in Article 4 d, shall at least contain elements of the following data:

(5) Customs Notification in the context of transportation and/or delivery of certain goods originating from Customs Area transported to other place within the Customs Area as intended in Article 4 e, shall at least contain elements of the following data:

Article 6

(1) The Customs Notification as intended in Article 4 a shall be prepared and submitted by the transportation means.

(2) The Customs Notification as intended in Article 4 b shall be prepared and submitted by the importer.

(3) The Customs Notification as intended in Article 4 c shall be prepared and submitted by the exporter.

(4) The Customs Notification as intended in Article 4 d shall be prepared and submitted by the Person placing the goods from other place within Customs Area to another place existing under the supervision of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

(5) The Customs Notification as intended in Article 4 e shall be prepared and submitted by the transportation means of certain goods.

Article 7

In the event that the Customs Notification as intended in Article 6 paragraphs (2) and (3) is not processed by the importer or exporter himself, he/she may delegate authority to process Customs Notification to customs service processing agent..

Article 8

(1) Customs Notification must be filled-in completely and correctly in Indonesian language in Latin characters and Arabic figure.

(2) In certain case, the filling-in of Customs Notification as intended in paragraph (1) may be made in English.

Article 9

(1) The Form to be used Customs Notification shall be provided by the notifying person according to the format specified by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

(2) The format and type of data for Customs Notification in the form of Electronic Data shall be determined by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

Article 10

(1) Customs Notification submitted must be signed by the notifying person.

(2) The signing of Customs Notification as intended in paragraph (1) shall be by:

Article 11

Further provision on details of data elements for Customs Notification as intended in Article 5, the format and type of data for the Customs Notification as referred to Article 9. and the guideline for filling-in Customs Notification, shall be governed in Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise.

Article 12

By the time this Regulation. of the Minister of Finance comes to force:

are revoked and declared null and void.

Article 13

This Regulation of the Minister of Finance shall take effect within 60 (sixty) days as of the date it is stipulated.

For public cognizance/ this Regulation of the Minister of Finance shall be announced by placing it in, the State Gazette of the State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on October 27, 2008